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Great Reads for Good Food

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Black Americans Are Dying from COVID-19 at an Alarming Rate. Why is This?

One of the most alarming truths to come out of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis is how the Black population is becoming sick and dying at much higher rates than the rest of the country. Older Black America...

This Adorable Dutch Practice Is Set to Become the Newest Wellness Trend

When most people think about health trends, they picture things like unpleasant diets or intense exercise classes. However, one of the most exciting new wellness trends lately is actually something ext...

How to Keep the Health and Wellness Resolutions You Make

It's January 1, which means that millions of Americans will be making resolutions for the new year. While New Year's resolutions are a longstanding tradition, they're often broken within a week or two of New Year's day...

SARS CoV-2 Variants Are Rapidly Changing the Pandemic's Direction

On January 28, public health professionals announced that two South Carolina residents were found to be infected with the South Africa strain of the COVID-19 virus. The day before, a Minnesota resident was fou...

Exploring the Lessons Learned as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Looking back over the last year, it is clear that the world has learned some important lessons as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This global health crisis has put the spotlight on health and wellness whi...

Still on the Fence About the COVID-19 Vaccine? Read This for Reassurance

While there is still a massive COVID-19 vaccine shortage on a global level, the US is reaching the point in which it is easy for nearly any adult living anywhere in the country to get the coveted vacci...

Struggling with Your Morning Routine? How to Kick it Into Gear This Fall

You are not alone if you have had a difficult time adjusting to a morning routine lately. With kids all across the nation back in school full time and many workers leaving the convenience of the home o...

How to be Successful with Dry January Efforts Despite the Ongoing Pandemic

The new year is here which means that many people are using the fresh start to practice the concept of dry January. This practice involves taking a break from alcohol for the month of January. Ma...

How to Create a Sustainable Wellness Routine

Creating and sticking to a wellness routine can be tough, whether your goal is to lose weight, get fit, or feel better overall. However, it's doable with a little bit of organization and determination. Here are a few tips on how t...